We have our first frost of the year.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Monday, December 1, 2014
Found Corgie
I found a Corgie in the parking lot of the club this afternoon. Does anyone know who she belongs to.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Pied-billed Grebe
Check out this great picture of a Pied-billed Grebe that Deborah Repasz captured on 18 pond on November 3rd. The bird is known for its ability to control its buoyancy in the water, at times sinking to the point where only the top half of its head is visible. The qualities it has that make it natural in the water, make it awkward on land.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Bug Spray/Spray on Sunscreen
Please refrain from applying bug screen and spray on sunscreen to your legs on the greens. The picture below is a example of what it does to the grass. Notice the bright green footprint where someone was standing in the middle of the faded grass. The grass has started to recover but a few days ago it looked like straw.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
YTD rain totals
Over the last few days we have recieved 2.15 inches. Our total for the month, which historically is one of our wettest months in Houston, is 2.55 inches. Our total precipitation for the year-to-date is 19.8 inches. According to the United States Drought Monitor, as of Thurdsay June 26 our drought condition is "abnomally dry" which is "used for areas showing dryness but not yet in drought, or for areas recovering from drought."
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Monday, June 16, 2014
Saturday, June 14, 2014
New Rough Mower
We received a new Toro 4500D rough mower. This will greatly aid us in keeping up with our rough mowing this summer.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Golf Course Maintenance Update
June 1 came and our temperatures finally reached 90 degrees. It is rare in Houston to go the whole month of May without any 90-degree days. The last week of May did bring some much-needed rain. The dreaded cracks in the deep rough were starting to spread but with the 7 inches of rain we received May 26-28 the are closed back up and the grass is really growing. This is evident by the amount of grass clipping in the rough. Once we get caught back up mowing rough, the amount of clippings will decrease.
In May we started using an aquatic vegetation specialist to keep our golf course ponds clean of algae, plankton and aquatic weeds. The water quality in the ponds has increased significantly and over the next few months there will be a gradual decrease in the amount of weeds around the edges of the ponds. He does use a boat to apply products to the ponds so please do not be alerted when you see an aluminum boat driving around the ponds. He is not fishing and he does have clearance to be on property.
Monday June 16th and Tuesday the 17th we are aerifying the greens and verticutting the fairways for the second time this year. We are using the same process we have used the last 3 summers in June and August. We remove a .5inch core every 1.5inches throughout the whole green. The material is removed, sand is applied to fill the holes and the greens are rolled and fertilized to achieve a quick recovery. Aerification is necessary a minimum a 3 times a year to remove enough organic/thatch material to keep up with what the greens naturally produce. By removing this material and replacing it with sand we increase air and water exchange throughout the green profile. The benefits are increased rooting, quicker infiltration of water, a firmer putting surface once healed, decreased compaction and an overall healthier green. The healthier the turf, the better they can withstand the extreme temperatures we experience in Houston. Our final greens aerification of this year will take place August 11th and 12th.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Memorial Day Rain
Starting Monday evening and going through Wednesday we received 7 inches of rain. The course held up well.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Tree work #14 and #17
We did significant tree trimming along the left side of 14 which affects the view and shot from tee to green. As seen in the pictures before, the view of the left back portion of the green was partially blocked. After, the view is much cleaner and unobstructed.
The work on #17 affects those who play from the back tees. We did significant limb removal along the left side of the rough from the back tee forward to open up the view and the shot especially from the tip of the back tee.
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#14 before |
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#14 after |
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#17 before |
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#17 after |
On Course Restrooms
One of our bigger and much needed accomplishments this year has been the repair of the on course restroom exteriors which included new paint.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Golf Course Restrooms
The exteriors of the golf course restrooms are getting a facelift. This includes repairing rotten wood, new hardie plank siding and new paint. The paint will match the gazebo at the driving range.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Improving the teeing areas
We have removed all the excess and broken concrete at the teeing areas. It is now a much cleaner look.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Spring Greenup
Spring Greenup has begun. It only took a few days in the 70s and low 80s for the Bermuda to decide it was ready to wake up.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Leveling Settled Irrigation Lines
We are using old sand from the bunkers to level settled irrigation lines in the fairways. We have completed a few sections on 5 fairway.
Bunker Project Update
The bunker project has gone smoothly over the past few weeks. Work is almost complete as the only bunkers that need sand are 14 and 15.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Bunker project update
The bunker project continues to go smooth. So far the greenside bunkers on 16, 18, 1 thru 5 and 7 thru 9 all have sand in them. The gravel was sprayed with the polymer in 10 thru 13 yesterday and sand is getting installed in those bunkers today. The old material was removed and drainage repaired in the bunker on 14 yesterday and gravel was installed.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Frost Delay
We do have a frost delay this morning. Given the consistent cold weather yesterday combined with the fact that the skies cleared overnight is making for a fairly heavy frost this morning. The temperature is currently about 31 degrees.
Friday, January 24, 2014
#7 Front Bunker
We expanded the front edge of the front bunker on #7. Here are before and after pictures.
Bunker Project Update
It has been a few days since I posted anything. As of this morning the bunkers on 1,2,7,8,9,16 and 18 are finished. The bunkers on 3,4 and 5 are ready for sand. 6,10,11,12 and part of 13 are cleaned out. Depending on the weather the plan is to get gravel in the bunkers that are cleaned out through the weekend and possibly spray polymer Monday afternoon depending on progress.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
More Bunkers Sprayed
On Monday the 20th the gravel layer in the bunkers on 2 thru 5 was sprayed with the polymer. Clean-out of the bunker on 6 continued Monday as well. Sand is getting installed in the bunkers on 7 and 8 today.
Friday, January 17, 2014
More Sand
The bunkers on 16, 18, 9, 1 and the back bunker on 7 all have sand in them. The bunkers on 2, 3, and 4 have gravel and clean-out is in process on 5.
We Have Sand in 16 and 18
Sand installation is complete in 16 and 18 greenside bunkers. 6 inches of sand is put in the bunkers and then is compacted down to 4 inches using a vibratory plate compactor.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
1st Set of Bunkers Sprayed
Yesterday, Forefront Construction completed the polymer application to the gravel layer in the bunkers on 1, 7, 8, 9, 16 and 18. The cure time on the gravel before sand installation can start is 24 hours. The plan for today is to keep installing gravel in the bunkers that are cleaned out (2,3,4) and this afternoon start sand installation in the bunkers that got sprayed yesterday.
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#8 left bunker |
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#8 right bunker |
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#1 bunker |
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#7 front bunker |
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#7 front bunker |
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Polymer Spraying of Gravel Layer
The first set of bunkers are getting sprayed today with the polymer. It takes 24 hours to cure before sand can be installed in the bunkers.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Front Bunker #4
A lot of members have expressed they are having trouble getting in and out of the deep bunkers on #4. We are extending the front of the front bunker toward the fairway about 5 feet softening the step in and out. This should make the step down and back up much less severe.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Bunker Project Status Update
The work on the bunkers is progressing smoothly and on schedule to this point. As of this morning the removal of old sand and liner, drainage repair and gravel layer installation is complete on holes 16, 18 and 1. The bunkers on holes 2, 7, 8 and 9 are cleaned out and are ready for drainage completion and gravel layer installation. Old material removal is taking place on hole 3 presently. Additional drainage has been added in the right front bunker on 16. The bunker on 9 and the right side bunker on 7 are receiving additional drainage added as well where none existed. Once the gravel layer is installed in the first 9 holes of bunkers, the plan is to spray the polymer in those bunkers. The polymer needs 24 hours to cure before sand installation can happen.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Bunkers #7
The front bunker on 7 looks to have shrunk so we are re-establishing the edge. The right side bunker on 7 has a stretch of drainage that needed to be installed where none existed before.
Gravel layer
The gravel layer is installed on the 2 greenside bunkers on 16, the greenside bunkers on 18 and the bunker on 1. The bunkers on 7 are currently being cleaned out and 2 will be next. The gravel layer will be installed following clean-out and drainage.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Bunker update
With almost 3 days of work complete our contractor, Forefront Construction is moving along well on the bunkers. The old sand and liner is cleaned out on the bunkers on 16, 18, 9, 1 and 8. They are checking and repairing the drains within the bunkers as they go. Currently work is going on in the bunkers on 7 green. Within the next day or 2, the contractor will start putting gravel into the bunkers getting them ready to be sprayed with the polymer.
Bunker Drainage
All the bunkers have an internal drainage system which collects the water that enters the bunker and carries it out of the bunker. There are different types of drainage systems but most bunkers consist of 4 inch perforated pipe laid in trenches surrounded by pea gravel. An important part of the bunker renovation project is making sure the internal drainage is clean and working properly. The bunker floor and the drainage are all designed to carry water out of the bunker. The size and shape of the bunker determines how much internal drainage is needed. Proper drainage only happens when the internal drainage system is free flowing and properly graded "downhill."
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4 inch perforated pipe surrounded by pea gravel |
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drainage trenches without gravel or pipe |
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using a hose to flush the drain pipe exiting the bunker |
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Bunker work has begun
Today the contractor arrived on site and started working on hole16 and hole18 greenside bunkers. Part of the process will be restoring some of the bunkers to their original size and shape. Over time because of multiple factors including maintenance techniques and weather bunkers shapes will gradually change. The material getting removed from the bunkers will be stockpiled in various out of the way location around the golf course. We will then use it for projects such as, topdressing roughs and possibly fairways, smoothing drain and irrigation lines in fairways, and filling sinkholes around lakes.
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edging the bunker with shovels |
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edging the bunker |
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restoring the bunker to original shape |
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removing old sand from bunker |
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Bunker Renovation
We are pleased to announce that the long awaited and much needed greenside bunker renovation is scheduled to start next week, the week of January 6th. The greenside bunkers shall be fully renovated while the fairway bunkers will have additional sand added to them. We researched many types of bunker construction available and found that the one that best suits our needs with the difficult climate we live in; wind, heavy rain, extreme drought conditions, etc. is the Better Billy Bunker Method. Please go to the following link to find additional information about this exciting construction technique where pictures, methods and testimonials are found. http://billybunker.com/
The renovation is a multiple step process as follows:
1) re-establish the original bunker edge, which may include sod work in some areas
2) remove the existing bunker sand and stockpile in out of the way areas on the golf course to be used for various projects
3) replace internal drainage system
4) install 2 inch layer of gravel throughout entire bunker
5) spray the gravel layer with a polymer, which binds the gravel together but also allows for water flow
6) install new bunker sand to a compacted depth of 4 inches
On contractor, Forefront Construction, plans on a phased construction in which one-third to one-half of the bunkers are under construction at one time. The application of the polymer is most efficient when there are multiple bunkers getting sprayed at the same time. The entire process is expected to take approximately two months, dependent upon weather and course functions which means all work should be complete by the end of February. The new greenside bunkers should withstand rain events much better and be playable much quicker after rain events. The polymerized gravel layer allows for extremely quick drainage as well as providing a barrier between the sand and native clay soils of the bunker to greatly reduce the rate of sand contamination. The Better Billy Bunker has proven successful on courses that experience rain events similar to ours. It allows the water to penetrate the sand and flow into the gravel layer where it then moves to the internal drainage system on the bunker floor and then into the drain line which carries it out of the bunker. Because the water actually moves down the faces of the bunkers through the gravel layer and not the sand, the bunkers should not experience the same amount of washouts they currently have when we experience heavy rains. This coupled with quickly drying sand will produce bunkers, which are repaired and playable much quicker after rain events.
We will keep you updated on the progress of the project.
The renovation is a multiple step process as follows:
1) re-establish the original bunker edge, which may include sod work in some areas
2) remove the existing bunker sand and stockpile in out of the way areas on the golf course to be used for various projects
3) replace internal drainage system
4) install 2 inch layer of gravel throughout entire bunker
5) spray the gravel layer with a polymer, which binds the gravel together but also allows for water flow
6) install new bunker sand to a compacted depth of 4 inches
On contractor, Forefront Construction, plans on a phased construction in which one-third to one-half of the bunkers are under construction at one time. The application of the polymer is most efficient when there are multiple bunkers getting sprayed at the same time. The entire process is expected to take approximately two months, dependent upon weather and course functions which means all work should be complete by the end of February. The new greenside bunkers should withstand rain events much better and be playable much quicker after rain events. The polymerized gravel layer allows for extremely quick drainage as well as providing a barrier between the sand and native clay soils of the bunker to greatly reduce the rate of sand contamination. The Better Billy Bunker has proven successful on courses that experience rain events similar to ours. It allows the water to penetrate the sand and flow into the gravel layer where it then moves to the internal drainage system on the bunker floor and then into the drain line which carries it out of the bunker. Because the water actually moves down the faces of the bunkers through the gravel layer and not the sand, the bunkers should not experience the same amount of washouts they currently have when we experience heavy rains. This coupled with quickly drying sand will produce bunkers, which are repaired and playable much quicker after rain events.
We will keep you updated on the progress of the project.
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