Sunday, April 19, 2015

Storm Night of April 17

Friday April 10 thru Saturday April 18th we have received 7.1 inches of rain at the golf course. The storm Friday night brought us powerful winds and 3.7 inches of rain causing a lot of tree damage on the golf course. The winds were strong enough to blow the flagsticks and cups in the greens sideways.  We lost approximately 10 large trees. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Aerification April 20-22

This coming Monday thru Wednesday, April 20-22 the golf course is closed for our Golf Course Maintenance team to aerify the greens and collars.  A ¼ inch core on 1.5 inch spacing will be used on the greens and a slightly larger core on bigger spacing is planned for the collars.  The greens are now starting to grow but with the limited sun light and excessive rain we have had over the last few months we are using a much smaller tine than we have in the past.  This should help speed the recovery process over what it has been the last couple April aerifications.  A topdressing of sand will be applied to the greens to aid in smoothing the greens and filling in the holes left by the aerification.  Aerification is beneficial to the greens by improving gas and moisture exchange as well as removing excess organic matter which in turn leads to healthier firmer turf.  Extra fertilizer is applied to the greens the week leading up to the aerification and the week after the aerification to assist in recovery, which causes more growth and in turn, decreased green speeds.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Spring Time Bluebonnets

Spring is a great time of year. Everything is fresh and new and full of life. We can thank Harris County Flood Control District for the Bluebonnets along the banks of Horsepen Bayou.  Come out to the golf course and enjoy them while they last.